Deer Crossing Sign

What Does Deer Crossing Sign Mean?

A “Deer Crossing” sign is a warning traffic sign designed to alert drivers that deer may be crossing the road in this area.


  • Shape: Typically diamond-shaped with a yellow background and black border.
  • Symbol: Black image of a deer walking or standing.
  • Placement: Positioned on the right side of the road where deer crossings are frequently reported.


  • To warn drivers of the potential presence of deer crossing the road, especially during dawn or dusk.
  • To encourage drivers to be vigilant and reduce their speed in areas where deer are known to cross.
  • To enhance overall safety by reducing the risk of collisions with wildlife.


  • This sign indicates that deer may be on or near the road; stay alert and watch for movement.
  • Slow down, especially in areas marked with this sign, and be prepared to stop if a deer appears.
  • Collisions with deer can cause significant damage, so caution is essential.

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